Thursday, January 27, 2011

Disoriented & Unorganized

The last few days have left me feeling exactly as the title states.  Our water froze Sunday night.  I don't mean like one or two of the smaller pipes froze, oh no, no, no.  The main pipe coming out of the ground froze.  Not fun.  Rj and I tried all day to get it to thaw out with no results.  Thankfully I had no clients in Bath on Monday and although that is not necessarily bad it is not good because I need income and steady income is even more useful.  We called park maintenance around 5 pm after trying everything we could think of. He came down and said there was nothing he could do; we would just have to wait for it to thaw on its own.  I worked Monday night at Price Chopper which also not bad and actually very routine. 

Return home from work on Tuesday and there is still no water.  I was so frustrated by that and a few other minor incidents (stubbed toe for example) that I basically had a melt down that day.  Because of the melt down I forgot to call Nails Plus to see if I had any clients.  Thankfully I did not but I only know that because Sherri, who is the most fabulous office assistant you could ask for, called me to make sure i was ok because she hadn't heard from me.  In my frustration I couldn't sleep Tuesday and when I finally did fall asleep I woke up later that night to find I had slept through my Zumba class.  I felt terrible and became even more frustrated because I really like it and was looking forward to it.

I finally got back to bed Tuesday night but was up early Wednesday morning.  I woke close to 5:30 am I would guess.  Well doesn't matter, I was trying to get caught up on things before heading to Bath, lost track of time and was late getting to the salon where one of my regulars was my first client.  I felt horrible for being late.  He is such a wonderful person, is never late, never cancels and is such a joy to work with.  He waited almost 30 minutes for me.  Ten of those minutes were because he is always that early but twenty of them were because I was that late!!   I am extremely grateful he is so wonderful and understanding.  After his session I came downstairs to collect my thoughts and possibly get organized only to find out I had three more clients right after him.  I am not complaining about having clients.  That will never happen.  I am very grateful for every client I am priviledged enough to work with but I have to admit I was hoping for a little down time.  So I finish with all my sessions for the day and as I'm walking out the door the owner asks if I would be willing to squeeze in another session before I leave.  I hate to turn down business but I had to.  I knew I had to be to work at Price Chopper that night so I actually turned down a client.  I still feel like kicking myself in the butt but I couldn't help it. 

Anyways, I get home, open the front door and am hit with a double whammy!  I forgot to check the coal in the stove before I left for Bath.  Needless to say the house was filled with the sulfur smell from burned out coal fire and the carbon monoxide detector is going off as well.  I just wanted to turn around and pretend I was at the wrong house and hope nobody saw me.  I did not though.  I opened all the windows and doors, unplugged the stove so it would stop blowing all the sulfur smell through the house, and then pulled the battery from the CO detector.  After about 45 minutes or so I put the battery back in the detector and it didn't continue to sound.  I closed the windows and doors, filled the stove with coal emptied the ash pans and looked for a starter pack to relight the stove.  I couldn't find a starter pack anywhere (I even looked again this mornin and still can't find one).  Needless to say I had to turn the furnace on and won't be able to turn it off until I go get a starter pack from the coal place.

I am now home after another night of work and don't feel quite as frustrated.  Although to add one more thing to my list one of the guys that was suppose to work the load with us last night called out sick.  That means there were only three of us to throw the whole load.  We weren't able to finish it in time but we did finish the majority of the load and all of the leveling.  Not all bad I would say.

I feel much better now.  Time to take a shower and see about heading to bed.

Friday, January 21, 2011


I had an interesting dream last night.  It was set in FLSM in the massage room.  We were handing around papers which were letters to each student from the school and as classmates we had to sign them kind of like a yearbook.  As I was writing on some of the papers I realized I miss many of my classmates and I especially miss the ones I didn't really get to know all that well.  I find this rather strange.  For example when Avi's paper came around all I could think of was how amazing it was to watch him work.  He made the work look almost spiritual most of the time.  I also thought about Ashley, Alyssa and Danielle.  As much as I was agitated by their actions during the science classes I miss their bubbly attitudes and humorous antics.  Tonight's dream was very enlightening for me and hopefully one day I will be able to rectify the fact that I didn't take the time or effort to befriend more of the wonderful people I went to school with. As I told all of them during one of the closing activities the end of school this is only goodbye for now and I will see them all again, at least once more in their life time.  I do plan on making that happen.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I went to my second Zumba class a couple days ago.  I do enjoy it quite a bit.  Although I am highly uncoordinated I seem to do well if I treat it as an aerobics class rather than dance.  For some reason my brain can comprehend that a little easier.  The classes are Tuesday night from 5:30-6:30 pm at the Family Fitness Center in Nichols, NY.  I wish I could afford to attend the Pilate's class offered there as well but between no money and conflicting schedules I am unable to attend.  Maybe in the future things will work out differently. 

On a random note, I was on my way to Bath the other day and felt a sudden wave of disheartedness and mild depression.  That was followed immediately by thoughts of my friend Burton.  I never did contact him that day to see how he was doing but I haven't had a rush of feelings like that since.  Maybe I can get a hold of him this weekend since there is no school on weekends. 

Since I now have an appointment scheduled in Bath tomorrow I should head to bed soon.  Good night.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

So Far

It has been 2011 for more than 2 weeks now and I am finally getting onto this thing.  Not a good start to wanting to blog more regularly.  Baby steps though right? 

Anyways, I haven't done a whole lot yet.  At Nail Plus I did open up my available appointment dates from M, W, F to Mon-Fri.  This week I will be talking to Trish about changing the old estititions room into a waxing/body wrap room.  That will take the waxing of the cubby hole it is in and also give me a place to start doing body wraps when that day comes.  If things go well I may have the body wrap supplies in approx. 1 month. 

I also had a chance to stay with my friend Becky Thurs night.  She was a wonderful and gracious host as always but I was a less than stellar guest.  I was so tired as soon as I laid down on her couch to relax I fell asleep.  This was at like 10 minutes after I got there.  I felt so terrible because I slept for like 12 hours.  Thankfully she understood that I hadn't slept since Tuesday night because of my work schedule.  Hopefully I will have a chance to get up that way again soon and actually stay awake long enough to play some euchre, Yahtzee and any other game we decide to play.

My Price Chopper work schedule as of late has been M, W, F & Sat nights.  My Bath schedule although appointments are available everyday I am still getting booked mostly M, W & F.  Combine these two schedules and I sleep every other night Sun, Tues, Thurs & Sat day.  I am hoping my Bath clientele continues to grow as it has been so that I can do it full time and possibly cut back or stop Price Chopper all together.

Well I am off.  The earliest I will be back is Tuesday.  We'll see if I am still awake enough to post anything.