Friday, March 23, 2012

Over Active Brain

Good Evening!

It seems as of late that the only time I am able to get online is after 9 pm hence the late night posts on both facebook and here.  Oh well I guess that just means I am being slightly less lazy than I was before.

I did walk today.  It didn't happen until 7 pm but it happened none the less. 

I also got a few financial things checked off my to-do list.  With any luck and maybe a tiny bit of planning I can get a couple more things handled tomorrow before Tasha gets here.

Oh!!  And that is another thing I am super excited about.  Tasha will be here tomorrow!!!  We will be going to the Amish bulk food place on the way the Penn Yann and I will be receiving a Reiki session while she's here as well.  Can NOT wait!

So now for the actual reason I was typing.  Last night my brain just would not stop.  It's not like I was focused on one thing either.  My thoughts just kept jumping from one thing to the next.  I couldn't get myself to focus long enough to ground and the few short times I was able to focus one one thought or idea it was always a very stressful topic.  I don't know what my deal was but it kept me up until 3:30 or 4 am.  The other wierd thing is when my alarm went off at 7:30 am, I hit the snooze but didn't really go back to sleep.  Normally I can zonk back out for 4 snoozes easy.  Not this morning.  I was awake. 

The one good thing?  I wasn't stressing over every and anything when I woke.  It definitely helped that I called Dave at work at like 2 am and he said he would talk things through with me when he got home.  For some reason I think that helped ease my brain/nerves a little.  He does have this crazy ability to calm me down and I'm a worry wart!  We did talk this morning, which is how I was able to get a couple things done. Yay for results!

Well I'm off to chill a bit before trying to sleep.  Hopefully I'll be more successful tonight.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Been a While

I haven't posted anything for a while but mostly because I haven't been online very much.  The most recent things to happen include: having an amazing week at work, a trip to VA over St. Patrick's Day weekend, getting lost in Charlottesville, and bringing Aaron's car back to NY.

The great week at work was a few weeks ago but it involved 16 clients and for me that is a LOT.  If I could get that every week I definitely wouldn't be in the hurt I'm in now.

Getting lost in Charlottesville is included in the trip to VA.  My niece Addison turned 2 on Monday.  To celebrate Mom, Dad, Dave and I drove to Virginia Friday and stayed down there until Sunday morning.  The drive down Friday was nice even though it included 1 over turned big rig, 1 drifting big rig and 7 hours of drive time.  The drive time went fast though because I slept for the last half of it.  :)  

Saturday, Dave and I drove to Charlottesville in search of a tobacco shop, which come to find out we drove by twice before finding it.  I also wanted to find the Great Harvest Bakery I have read about in a blog I follow called Kath Eats Real Food.  Unfortunately we didn't find it but we were kind of overwhelmed by the drunk college kids running around.  Not necessarily overwhelmed but afraid to hit one of them as they ran willy nilly in the streets.  Oh well!  I'm sure we'll be down there again and maybe it won't be so hectic.  After we got back from that, all 7 of us went to the local chili cook off put on by one of the churches.  The chilies were pretty good and coming from a person who doesn't normally enjoy chili that means a lot.  After the cook off ended around 7 pm we went home and had cake and ice cream for Addison.  She still doesn't quite grasp the whole blowing out the candles concept but her sister Alina helped. 

When the girls were in bed, Mom & Dad agreed to keep an eye on the sleeping babes while Dave and I took Amanda out for an Irish drink or two, it was St. Patrick's Day after all.  The three of us definitely showed our age though.  We went to the closest bar, pounded an Irish Car Bomb, had one more drink and decided to buy some wine and drink at home.  That wasn't terrible but what drove our old foginess home was all three of us fell asleep before finishing a single drink at the house.  Needless to say my parents laughed quite hardily at us in the morning.

Sunday morning involved an early Easter Bunny visit, a quick breakfast and packing before hitting the road.  Dave and I drove Aaron's car while Mom and Dad had the van.  Funny enough, Dave and I left almost an hour before Mom and Dad but because we made a bunch of stops in the beginning we ended up passing them in PA on the way home.  We did beat them home by almost 45 minutes, which was enough time to start switching the tires around between the Neons.

After all was switched around the four of us had cold meat sandwiches for dinner before Dave and I continued up the road home.  All in all it was a wonderful weekend.  Now that we are home and have a second vehicle everything should go back to normal soon.

Random note:  I did get 3 walks and a jog in this last week.  This week isn't looking so hot but maybe tomorrow will be better.