Monday, May 17, 2010


Today is the first full day after the cleanse. I didn't over do it too much. I had dried fruit, raw cashews and fruit puree for breakfast, a yogurt and some more of the fruit puree for lunch then I had the last of the fruit puree with some potato chips as a break snack at work. When I got home I made some Mac & Cheese but only had a small amount and put the rest in the fridge for RJ to eat before work tonight. While RJ was getting ready for work I made a smoothie and we both had some. Things I notice greatly about the three solids I chose to take in today, mac & cheese doesn't seem to have the same drawing taste it had before the cleanse. I used to be able and want to eat an entire box but I didn't today, I wasn't even remotely tempted. The potato chips were BBQ and that part of the flavor was wonderful but the salt part of the flavor made it so I could not eat many at all. The three pieces of dried fruit I had peach, apricot & pear didn't have the same appeal they normally have. I think this time of food transition may be a good time to try new foods and to retry foods I previously disliked. Maybe I only disliked them because they weren't overly sweet or salty. I am definitely going to take this as new and waiting opportunity. Maybe that will be a recurring theme for this blog. Food, the rediscovered frontier, and my mission, to boldly try more new or previously discarded flavors than I have ever tried before.

Changing the channel. I went for a walk this afternoon and it took a little more than an hour. Although I have a blister because I didn't realize how thin the soles of my sneakers had become, I enjoyed myself thoroughly. I smelled Lilac & Honeysuckle the entire way. There was the occasional farm, cut grass and exhaust smells as well but they seemed to mix in pleasantly today. It was kind of weird when I returned to our road though because I could smell so many more things than I usually do. For example, I never realized, before today, how much the first house radiates the cat urine odor. Maybe after the blister heals and I get new sneakers I will be able to explore some new walking terrain and get ready for serious hiking.

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